We believe that the magnificent glory and power of God is revealed to our communities and culture when the churches of Christ walk and speak as one [John 17.20-23]. This unity stands as a witness to Jesus’ identity as Christ, God’s son and God the son. Furthermore, the oneness of the churches, declare God’s infinite love for both Jesus and the church.
Therefore, we strive to nurture and nourish the spiritual unity of the church. We accomplish this by creating safe spiritual spaces [places characterized by the humility, gentleness, patience, tolerance and love of Christ] in which Christians can explore their differences with a view to uniting in the truth [Ephesians 4.1-6].
Meet Our Team!

Ubi Ntewo
Ubi Ntewo is based in Evansville, Indiana, with Heather, his wife of eighteen years and their three kids.
He enjoys playing tennis, time with friends and time alone.
Ubi serves as 1 of 12 elders who pastor Open Table Church, located in the south side of Evansville. He
also serves as the founder and Executive Director of Learners of Christ the King United. He authored, A Misplaced Priority, addressing the preeminence and importance of followership in a leadership-centric world. He’s currently working on two sequels, the first exploring the preeminence of reconciliation in a justice-centric society. The second is a discourse exploring the preeminence of contentment in a prosperity-centric culture.
Ubi has served as the Director of two ministry and leadership schools, Evansville Masters Commission and CLASS [Christ Life and Service School]. His students now serve as pastors, church planters and missionaries in the United States and beyond. In addition, Ubi frequently teaches the Gospel and its relevance in contemporary life, to churches, conferences, camps, and college campuses.

Daniel Edem
Daniel is a native of Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria.
He is a firm believer of God’s word and shares his passion for Christ with those in his community and on student campuses. As a fervent follower and leader he has served in diverse capacity both in and out of the church community.
Daniel is a Guidance Counsellor, as well as a certified Personality Development Coach. His journey in the counselling profession has enabled him to help people not only in matters regarding their spiritual state, but also their Educational, Vocational, Personal and Social well-being. He is currently using his skills to grow the LoCK United Student Fellowship at The University of Uyo.

Odama Gabriel Eliom
Gabriel is a firm believer in the finished work of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. He is a native of Obudu Local Government Area of Cross River State in Nigeria.
His hobbies are reading, learning, meeting people and listening to good music. Gabriel strives to give his all in the work he is doing in Nigeria and believes that you have to be the change that you want to see in your community. For him, Christianity has always been about Christ-like living. His greatest endeavor is to live by the examples left to us in the Bible.